It seems a free blog is only free for so long...I will be moving on to a new blog, but this one will still be up for reminiscing...
Please join me at:
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012
Nothing much to report...
...but I figured I was due for a blog post anyway...
These pictures were taken back in August but I failed to share - until now!
I was just telling Jill recently that I keep Lucy's shoes in a dresser drawer at this point. They were in the third drawer up but one of Lucy's favorite things to do is to open the shoe drawer and says "Oosh!" and try them all on...if no one is right there to help her with the drawer that's just a little too high, well, that's no problem for my Lucygirl! (We have since moved the shoes to the bottom drawer).
Here she is looking pretty last weekend:
Flashback Friday...a pic of Lucy last November and one from this November - same outfit, different sizes:
Being silly and mischievous - she has a lot of fun playing in her room!
I think I mentioned that Lucy has 16 teeth now:
It seems she got a little ahead of schedule according to this chart but it also seems we may have some more big dogs making an appearance in the back of her mouth soon. In fact, she has a bit of a cold now and often it has seemed that teeth and colds (or cold-like symptoms) go hand in hand...and she has been asking for her "B" a lot maybe she is getting her second molars on the bottom...I may have to take a peek in her mouth (which is very risky business!)
She has "gone" on her potty exactly two times. She has sat on her potty closer to two million times...sometimes she asks to have her pants pulled down and her diaper removed, but most often not. She just likes to sit there and whisper "Peepeepee!" (which we did NOT teach her...she's just cool like that)...and she has recently found the need to use toilet paper (yes, even when she is still fully clothed). Sometimes she wants to sit on "mommy's potty" but then she always gets nervous (because of the giant hole and her tiny booty) so I cashed in my Pampers rewards points and got her this:
She is finally starting to get the difference between "yes" and "no" but her first instinct is always to say NO. You have to be careful when asking her a question and finish it with "Yes or no?"
"Lucy, would you like some more milk? Yes or no?"
And my absolute favorite new thing she does is nodding! Whenever she answers yes, she also nods...and it's a very animated nod - her head goes all the way back and all the way down to her's totally awesome!
My favorite recent Lucy story (I've already told this story many times to many people so please forgive me if this is a repeat for you):
She and I were playing in the basement and she kept repeating something..."Blahblah!" and looking at me for an answer. I had no idea what she was saying so I kept asking her to repeat it..."Blahblah!"
She was getting more frustrated (as was I) and finally yelled at me "Vroom!" with a very exasperated expression upon her face!
"Ah! Your police car!" and I pointed her in the right direction...I don't know which of us was more relieved but I thought she problem-solved very well!
("Blahblah" = "Police car")
One night when I was out, Dave sent me a video of Lucy...singing Happy Birthday! She doesn't sing it for long and she doesn't sing it perfectly but you can tell what she's singing...and she's been singing happy birthday to her friend Cooper who turns 1 today...Happy 1st Birthday, Cooper! Lucy can't wait to go to his party on Sunday!
In closure, my kid is crazy but we're still loving life! And if you're wondering what to get us for Christmas, we could probably use some toilet paper...
These pictures were taken back in August but I failed to share - until now!
I was just telling Jill recently that I keep Lucy's shoes in a dresser drawer at this point. They were in the third drawer up but one of Lucy's favorite things to do is to open the shoe drawer and says "Oosh!" and try them all on...if no one is right there to help her with the drawer that's just a little too high, well, that's no problem for my Lucygirl! (We have since moved the shoes to the bottom drawer).
Getting her balance... |
Peeking in the drawer... |
Snagging a shoe...or two! |
She's crazytown! Have I ever mentioned that??
(Hat and tights are on loan by our friend RC, denim jumper was a
GranJan consignment shop find, boots were a souvenir from GranJan's trip to Chicago)
Flashback Friday...a pic of Lucy last November and one from this November - same outfit, different sizes:
(She wasn't really in the mood this year...)
Being silly and mischievous - she has a lot of fun playing in her room!
Being cute and funny:
I'll be darned if she hasn't made my botched haircut look super-cute!
Last weekend, it was nice enough to play outside...she's really going to miss playing outside this winter! We played in the backyard and later in the day, we went to the park in Cold Spring.
This girl is one cool cat!
She rarely does anything without the company of a baby these days.
I couldn't believe she could climb this step all by herself!
Recently Alli spent some time with us and was over at we brought Lucy's booster up and hadn't taken it back down. A few times since then, Lucy has spotted it and has requested to eat at the table with us, in her booster. I figured she was ready to be a "big girl" anyway but apparently it's just another game to her...Lucy now enjoys going from high chair to booster to Daddy's lap to high chair...and is spending less and less time eating at dinnertime...too many choices has become a bad thing so the booster is going back to the basement for now and sitting on laps at the the dinner table is going to have to stop also...but above is a cute pic of a cute girl actually participating in meal time very nicely!
I think I mentioned that Lucy has 16 teeth now:
It seems she got a little ahead of schedule according to this chart but it also seems we may have some more big dogs making an appearance in the back of her mouth soon. In fact, she has a bit of a cold now and often it has seemed that teeth and colds (or cold-like symptoms) go hand in hand...and she has been asking for her "B" a lot maybe she is getting her second molars on the bottom...I may have to take a peek in her mouth (which is very risky business!)
She has "gone" on her potty exactly two times. She has sat on her potty closer to two million times...sometimes she asks to have her pants pulled down and her diaper removed, but most often not. She just likes to sit there and whisper "Peepeepee!" (which we did NOT teach her...she's just cool like that)...and she has recently found the need to use toilet paper (yes, even when she is still fully clothed). Sometimes she wants to sit on "mommy's potty" but then she always gets nervous (because of the giant hole and her tiny booty) so I cashed in my Pampers rewards points and got her this:
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Don't be grossed out...the tp in there is hers...and was not used to wipe anything at all... |
She is finally starting to get the difference between "yes" and "no" but her first instinct is always to say NO. You have to be careful when asking her a question and finish it with "Yes or no?"
"Lucy, would you like some more milk? Yes or no?"
And my absolute favorite new thing she does is nodding! Whenever she answers yes, she also nods...and it's a very animated nod - her head goes all the way back and all the way down to her's totally awesome!
My favorite recent Lucy story (I've already told this story many times to many people so please forgive me if this is a repeat for you):
She and I were playing in the basement and she kept repeating something..."Blahblah!" and looking at me for an answer. I had no idea what she was saying so I kept asking her to repeat it..."Blahblah!"
She was getting more frustrated (as was I) and finally yelled at me "Vroom!" with a very exasperated expression upon her face!
"Ah! Your police car!" and I pointed her in the right direction...I don't know which of us was more relieved but I thought she problem-solved very well!
("Blahblah" = "Police car")
One night when I was out, Dave sent me a video of Lucy...singing Happy Birthday! She doesn't sing it for long and she doesn't sing it perfectly but you can tell what she's singing...and she's been singing happy birthday to her friend Cooper who turns 1 today...Happy 1st Birthday, Cooper! Lucy can't wait to go to his party on Sunday!
In closure, my kid is crazy but we're still loving life! And if you're wondering what to get us for Christmas, we could probably use some toilet paper...
Monday, November 5, 2012
Lucy being Lucy...
Lucy and I went to Target after I picked her up from the sitter one night last week. We were strolling along and she calls out, "Hat! Hat!" so I had to stop so she could try on a hat. She asked for the red one then kept saying, "Mama, mama" indicating that I, too, should try on a hat...we text a pic to dad!
We were there to pick up one of her Christmas gifts and I successfully got it into the cart, paid for it and got it back into the cart and then into the car without her ever seeing it! Yay me!
She was good throughout the store but wanted to get down in the toy section...she found this empty shelf and declared it the perfect spot for Lucy to sit!
This little grocery cart was out and Lucy took some babies for a spin...but we put everything back where it belonged before we left!
We had another "spaghetti party," as Dave refers to them to Lucy, last week. This one was at Daddy's school for the boys and girls cross country teams as a Regional meet kick-off. Lucy was shy at first but enjoyed her meal and liked running around and being silly afterward.
How cute is her coat???
Tammy (or "Mammy" as Lucy would call her) gave Lala a very cute hairstyle last week! Luckily I got a text pic because it didn't survive nap time so no more cute hairstyle by the time I picked her up...
These pics were taken one morning last week before work...before she went to the sitter's house...she was done sleeping but luckily woke up in a great mood and just kind of hung out while Dave and I finished getting ready. In the first one, she is looking past me trying to see the tv.
I have a heck of a time getting her to keep hats on her head - with two exceptions: this pink hat (thank goodness! She'll keep it on outside when I tell her we need to keep her ears warm and often likes to wear it for a bit longer once inside, too) and the hat that came with her pirate costume...
So...Lucy's bangs were getting a little long...and I wanted them trimmed before our family photos were taken yesterday. I didn't want to "waste" the money by taking her to the salon again and my mom was busy when I wanted her to trim them. My husband lovingly (?) pointed out that Jan could have done it later (still before pictures) but I am just too impatient...hmm...anyway...I butchered my baby's hair...oops...hopefully it grows fast - that's all I can say. I even thought about cancelling photos but she's still so darn cute that even a wacky haircut can't take that away!
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Saying "Cheeeeeeeeese!" |
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Pre-haircut...shaggy bangs pulled back in barrettes |
This girl likes to find places to stick her booty...little benches, the bottom step on a set of stairs, the tiniest little ledge here and there...the fridge shelf??
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She's weird!! |
But she's also cute...Happy Monday, everyone!
Lucy's Second Halloween
The weather was crappy and so are these pictures...sorry...
I had said Lucy would not be trick-or-treating if it was raining but it was only a tiny spit-drizzle when the time came along so I decided we could go for it. We went to Grandma and Grandpa Meyers' house to meet up with Alli (aka Mickey Mouse) and head out for a bit.
She wasn't totally into it but she wasn't hating it, either...she was probably more confused than anything else...well, maybe COLD more than anything else, but confused came in second!
She walked to the first couple of houses but soon it turned to this:
And not long after that, it turned to this:
I had said Lucy would not be trick-or-treating if it was raining but it was only a tiny spit-drizzle when the time came along so I decided we could go for it. We went to Grandma and Grandpa Meyers' house to meet up with Alli (aka Mickey Mouse) and head out for a bit.
She walked to the first couple of houses but soon it turned to this:
And not long after that, it turned to this:
We all (the girls, Aunt Jessi and Dave & I) hung in there as long as we could, which was about 45 minutes max.
Time for the warmth of Grandma and Grandpa's house!
Lucy checked out her loot from her grandparents and did not agree to de-Elmo for quite awhile but when she finally did, she had fun running around playing with cousin Alli.
We hope everyone else had a warm, safe, fun Halloween!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Cute couple
A few weeks ago, while I was partying it up in Louisville to celebrate one of Stacy's last nights as an unmarried woman, my girl was partying it up at Homecoming with her daddy:
Monday, October 29, 2012
19 months old - a stats post
As much as we try to stop time...or at least slow it down...Lucy just keeps on a'growin' and keeps getting older...
She now weighs 28 pounds and 9.5 ounces!
She is 31 and three quarter inches tall!
She's closer to 2 than she is to 1...
Her new things:
*Saying "no." I caught this little video of her in the tub this week yelling "no" to me for no particular reason...we weren't talking (or arguing) about anything so she was just saying no for the heck of it...
*Saying "me" or "mine." The other day she was playing with her little people and had a sheep in her hand...she was making him walk around saying "BaaBaa!" There was another sheep sitting on the floor - identical to the one she was playing with. I picked it up to play with her and made him walk near her, saying "BaaBaa!" She looked at me, reached for the sheep I had and said "Mine!"
*Wearing costumes! She loves putting on her costumes! She has a few and has had several opportunities to wear them - she's worn her pirate costume to the zoo and to the Halloween party at the city building and she has tried her Minnie Mouse costume on to play around the house (and I failed to take a picture but I should have because she was intending to wear it on Halloween but now we're thinking it will be far too cold and she may have to wear this one, which she wore to Uncle Jeff & Auntie Em's party):
She's been talking more than ever lately and has been catching us off guard with some new things...on the way to Jeff & Ema's party, I asked, "Who wants to go to a party?" and Lucy yelled from the backseat "Me!"
The other day I was on the phone in the car and Lucy calls out "Hi!" so I had to pass the message on to Christa, who I was talking to.
At the end of this video, you'll hear her version of "see ya:"
Lucy's cousins came over on Thursday for another adventure...the big girls spent more time at the park and in the backyard and had a very stereotypical "kid dinner" of chicken nuggets and french fries (which they both loved, by the way!) but then we went back outside to enjoy what may have been the last warm day of the year to paint some pumpkins (and in Lucy's case, to also paint some pants and shirts and shoes...):
Every night we brush her teeth...and she usually sits on the kitchen counter next to the sink. Every night she knocks these letters (or whatever letters/magnets she can reach) onto the floor. She's a bully!
Lucy had another first this weekend...her first sleepover!
Dave has been away for a night once or twice with his track team and I have been away for two separate nights (once for work and once for Stacy's bachelorette party) and we all stayed in a hotel together in Indiana this summer...but Lucy has always spent the night with one of both of her parents - either at the hospital the first couple of nights of her life, at the hotel in IN, or at home...
But on Saturday night she had a sleepover with her grandma! She costumed up and tagged along with us for the beginning of Jeff & Ema's party but then her chauffeur arrived and she was a goner...and we didn't see her again until 2pm the next day!
She did absolutely awesome and I don't think I did too bad...she was sad to leave the party so there were tears as she got strapped in to Grandma's car (and they were almost contagious!) but I got her calm and dry-eyed before she left which helped me stay at the party rather than leave with her!
As I mentioned, she went to the party with us:
After Elmo left, Big Bird and SuperGrover stuck around and had more fun with, among others, a Sun Dropper and a German chick:
We fetched our sweet girl the next day after a nice and quiet night's sleep (and after sleeping in lots longer than usual!) and got a great report! She was a very fun and well-behaved guest and she's even invited to come back anytime!
We were super excited to see her and at first, she felt the same way...but soon enough, my girl completely lost her shit!
We had plans to go to the Halloween party at the city building in Highland Heights so I brought her costumes for her to decide which one she wanted to wear...she chose the pirate but her holy meltdown began seconds into wardrobe change...she screamed, she cried, she kicked, she arched her was tricky business but I managed to get her into her costume...I don't know if she was afraid we were going to leave her again (or worse, stay at a party and send her away!) or if she was punishing us for leaving her or if she just didn't want to leave Grandma and Troy, but she really let me have it...soon it was party time, though, and she cheered up.
Back at home, Lucygirl was sleepy but fun.
At one point, she and I were playing upstairs and she signed "sleep" and pointed to her bed. She does this regularly but usually it just means she wants to play in there...jump up and down, cover up her babies, play with the stuff like that. This time, though, she may have fallen asleep if I'd have let her! I walked out of the room for a minute and when I came back, she had her B in her mouth (that's what she calls it now!) and was laying on the pillow. Her eyes were still open but I knew I had to get her out of there before they weren't. It was around 5pm - way too late for a nap, but way to early to call it a night!
And I did something that I never do...I let her have her B for the rest of the evening, even though she wasn't sleeping (which is the rule of the B - only at bedtime).
She even wanted her B in the tub...she still played in there but not as crazy-like as usual...and earlier she snuggled up with Daddy for a bit.
Sometime before bath, though, she helped us carve pumpkins!
She now weighs 28 pounds and 9.5 ounces!
She is 31 and three quarter inches tall!
She's closer to 2 than she is to 1...
Her new things:
*Saying "no." I caught this little video of her in the tub this week yelling "no" to me for no particular reason...we weren't talking (or arguing) about anything so she was just saying no for the heck of it...
*Saying "me" or "mine." The other day she was playing with her little people and had a sheep in her hand...she was making him walk around saying "BaaBaa!" There was another sheep sitting on the floor - identical to the one she was playing with. I picked it up to play with her and made him walk near her, saying "BaaBaa!" She looked at me, reached for the sheep I had and said "Mine!"
*Wearing costumes! She loves putting on her costumes! She has a few and has had several opportunities to wear them - she's worn her pirate costume to the zoo and to the Halloween party at the city building and she has tried her Minnie Mouse costume on to play around the house (and I failed to take a picture but I should have because she was intending to wear it on Halloween but now we're thinking it will be far too cold and she may have to wear this one, which she wore to Uncle Jeff & Auntie Em's party):
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Eating M&Ms |
The other day I was on the phone in the car and Lucy calls out "Hi!" so I had to pass the message on to Christa, who I was talking to.
At the end of this video, you'll hear her version of "see ya:"
Lucy's cousins came over on Thursday for another adventure...the big girls spent more time at the park and in the backyard and had a very stereotypical "kid dinner" of chicken nuggets and french fries (which they both loved, by the way!) but then we went back outside to enjoy what may have been the last warm day of the year to paint some pumpkins (and in Lucy's case, to also paint some pants and shirts and shoes...):
Every night we brush her teeth...and she usually sits on the kitchen counter next to the sink. Every night she knocks these letters (or whatever letters/magnets she can reach) onto the floor. She's a bully!
Dave has been away for a night once or twice with his track team and I have been away for two separate nights (once for work and once for Stacy's bachelorette party) and we all stayed in a hotel together in Indiana this summer...but Lucy has always spent the night with one of both of her parents - either at the hospital the first couple of nights of her life, at the hotel in IN, or at home...
But on Saturday night she had a sleepover with her grandma! She costumed up and tagged along with us for the beginning of Jeff & Ema's party but then her chauffeur arrived and she was a goner...and we didn't see her again until 2pm the next day!
She did absolutely awesome and I don't think I did too bad...she was sad to leave the party so there were tears as she got strapped in to Grandma's car (and they were almost contagious!) but I got her calm and dry-eyed before she left which helped me stay at the party rather than leave with her!
As I mentioned, she went to the party with us:
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We all live on the same street...Sesame Street! |
After Elmo left, Big Bird and SuperGrover stuck around and had more fun with, among others, a Sun Dropper and a German chick:
We fetched our sweet girl the next day after a nice and quiet night's sleep (and after sleeping in lots longer than usual!) and got a great report! She was a very fun and well-behaved guest and she's even invited to come back anytime!
We were super excited to see her and at first, she felt the same way...but soon enough, my girl completely lost her shit!
We had plans to go to the Halloween party at the city building in Highland Heights so I brought her costumes for her to decide which one she wanted to wear...she chose the pirate but her holy meltdown began seconds into wardrobe change...she screamed, she cried, she kicked, she arched her was tricky business but I managed to get her into her costume...I don't know if she was afraid we were going to leave her again (or worse, stay at a party and send her away!) or if she was punishing us for leaving her or if she just didn't want to leave Grandma and Troy, but she really let me have it...soon it was party time, though, and she cheered up.
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A crazy pirate, a friendly mouse and a sleepy zebra! |
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Candy makes everything better! |
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After the baby's ride, Lucy wanted to get in! |
At one point, she and I were playing upstairs and she signed "sleep" and pointed to her bed. She does this regularly but usually it just means she wants to play in there...jump up and down, cover up her babies, play with the stuff like that. This time, though, she may have fallen asleep if I'd have let her! I walked out of the room for a minute and when I came back, she had her B in her mouth (that's what she calls it now!) and was laying on the pillow. Her eyes were still open but I knew I had to get her out of there before they weren't. It was around 5pm - way too late for a nap, but way to early to call it a night!
And I did something that I never do...I let her have her B for the rest of the evening, even though she wasn't sleeping (which is the rule of the B - only at bedtime).
She even wanted her B in the tub...she still played in there but not as crazy-like as usual...and earlier she snuggled up with Daddy for a bit.
Sometime before bath, though, she helped us carve pumpkins!
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Goop scoopin' |
Dave carved these ghosts from a pattern...he let me choose the pattern he did the handy-work.
Mine is the bat...simple but cool...I drew it myself on the pumpkin then cut it out...I suggested he do a Mickey pumpkin and that's what he had to show for my suggestion - I think it's awesome!
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That dark figure in the middle is the Lucygirl! |
Happy Halloween, everyone!
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