Thursday, May 31, 2012

Track season comes to an official end

Daddy invited Lucy (and me) to the track awards dinner held at the Muench's house last night.  She knew just what to wear!

When she got there, she did what she does best - found a step to sit on:

I had packed a diaper bag for the evening shortly before we left home and in it, I packed one of her cups filled with water.  In the short time between packing the bag and leaving home, though, she had done some unpacking and had removed the water cup without my knowledge.  Luckily, though, her friends the Gruenschlaeger's bought her some sippy cups and gifted them to her at the exact right moment...she even insisted Mrs. G. fill her cup up immediately!

Looking pretty


Listening to Daddy's speech

Playing with mom's phone during dad's speech

Daddy kept talking and talking but Lala was getting sleepy so we had to leave him there...she had a lot of fun exploring the Muench's yard (and their neighbor's yard) and is anxious to go back - on Saturday for Aubrey's graduation party.

Memorial Day celebration - a picture post

We were all very disappointed to learn that Brookwood Swim Club would not be opening over Memorial Day weekend as planned (something about mandatory inspections not being performed in time)...but we made the most of it at Grandpa and GrandJan's house on Sunday and had a great time! 
We played in the pool and on the new swingset and in the yard and driveway with cars, and we girlled out (eating outside is her new favorite thing).

Cruising with Uncle Jason..."Keep your feet up!!!"

Having a snack at the table Great Grandpa B. made for her

Snacking with a pal

Swinging with hew newest giraffe friend, a gift from Jessica!

Getting a push from Grandpa

She didn't want much to do with this pool, either,
but when it sprung a leak (and she was already dressed),
she sure enjoyed splashing in the puddle...

Lucy was happy to meet Uncle Jason's new gal pal, Jessica...
especially because she brought her a gift!

Showing off the belly...

Just cruisin'

Splashing with Sam

As I mentioned, Katie and Sam came over on Saturday.  They came to fetch their jumperoo and give us the jogging stroller, but Lucy told Sam to bring his swim trunks and plan on staying to play for a bit.  First, though, she wanted to show off her new swingset:
Sam loved Lucy's pool but she was a little more reluctant (we had just inflated and filled it that morning so the water may have been a bit cold for her, yet).  She did manage to have some fun in the water, though, and really loved watching Sam jump and splash around.

More swinging!

Tickle fight with Katie in the new stroller:

"Mom's an idiot"

This rude phrase is frequently uttered in our house but below is an example of a time I earned it:

She found this Jell-o cup in the fridge and grabbed it and handed it to me.  I got a spoon and opened it up to give her a bite - the last time I tried to give her Jell-o she didn't like it so I expected this to be a one-bite-and-move-on kind of thing. 
She really liked it...and led me into the living room so she could sit in her favorite chair while I fed it to her.  At first, this was going perfectly.  I was in control of the cup and the spoon and she patiently waited for me to spoon-feed her bites.
Then something went wrong...I don't know if I was going to slowly with the bites or if she simply decided she could - and would - do it herself, but she took the cup from me and went to town.

At that point, I should have scooped her up and taken her to the highchair, but I figured what the hey...and let her continue.

Since she was enjoying it so much, not much of it went to waste but some Jello-o did make its way to the carpet and a bit got on the arm of her chair.  Her dress, though?  It was a Jell-o disaster...during her first nap, I had to hand wash it and dry it.

She also enjoyed watching me scrub her chair and the carpet and splashing around in the sink to get clean.

Getting cleaned up was just as fun!
 I guess Lucy likes Jell-o now!

The Lucy effect

While Dave was out playing golf, Lucy and I destroyed the living rooom playing with all of her toys...

While Lucy napped I picked up the room a bit...

But then she woke back up...

Happy Memorial Day!

Us girls had fun around the house and in the backyard while daddy and Uncle Jeff played golf...daddy was home when she woke up from her afternoon nap, though, and we all ate dinner outside together!
Lucy helped mommy make mac and cheese while daddy fired up the grill we got from Grandma and Grandpa Meyers for Christmas - we had burgers and L had a turkey dog - what a perfect night to dine outside!  Her highchair seat she used at Tracey's has now become her backyard highchair!

Notice Violet stuffed in the hood!

This picture was taken last Friday

New stroller!

Katie and Sam came over on Saturday to pick up their jumperoo (Lucy's jumping days are over) and to give us their jogging stroller they no longer want...we couldn't resist trying it out that night - Lucy had her 8pm bottle while I rolled her down the street (no, I did not jog).  She seems to like it!

Asleep at the wheel

Last Thursday, I went to dinner with Jill while Lucy hung out at home with her daddy...I got a couple of texts about her diaper rash that was back again, how she enjoyed her dinner, etc.
And then...
Then I get this picture:
They had gone out to play and were taking a drive...Dave saw her head start to bob and looked down to see a sleeping the wheel!

Last summer...

Lucy had her last day at Tracey's house on Friday...I know she will miss Tracey and Eric and Sarah and Jackson and the doggies...but I know she's also excited about the fun summer she'll have with her daddy (and some friends while daddy's at summer school)...


Lucy knows how to unlock my iPhone screen...

...and how to take pictures...

Those are her feet