When I picked Lucy up last night, her babysitter told me she had crawled two separate times during the day!! At first I was super sad that Lucy decided to show someone else (besides her mommy and daddy!) her new trick first and almost wished Tammy hadn't told me (so that we could think it was "new" and that we were the firsts to see it)...but then I got excited - how cool that she learned how to crawl on her 10 month birthday!!?
We weren't home long before Lucy decided to finally show us just what Tammy was talking about! She crawled a couple of "steps" and daddy even caught some on video! She crawled a short distance to her diaper bag and to retrieve her giraffe cup filled with water...she wanted to play her favorite game with it - sprinkler!
She continues to show us how brave, strong and adventurous she is...
And now she takes her baths in the big tub! She likes to have lots of toys in there with her and takes the time to catch up on her reading...
She has some rubber duckies she plays with in the tub and we've been pretty sure the last few nights that she has said "duck" (sounding more like "duh")!
So the ten month stats are:
Height - 26.5
Weight - 19lbs 15.5oz
She primarily eats "people food" (for lack of a better term). She hasn't come across much that she doesn't like but she really enjoys peas and peaches, her two current favs.
She likes spaghetti, strawberries if she's in the mood, pears, green beans, bread, turkey, cheese...pretty much anything...she loves her puffs and has recently figured out how to remove the lid herself...once she accomplishes this, she sticks her tiny arm down into the tube to pull out the snacks - funny stuff!
She can crawl!!
She can stand without holding onto anything for up to a minute or so! It's like the most amazing thing I've ever seen each and every time she does it!
She can say "duck!"
I think she can say dada and mean it...she's been making the sound forever but I'm starting to think she actually means Dave when she makes the sound sometimes (which sucks for me, ha! She made the mama sound - many variations such as mum, mumumum, maaaam, mum-uh - early on but has yet to mean me when she says it).
She now goes to bed around 9pm...it was closer to 10 but we've been inching up the bedtime routine and it's going well...she takes two naps during the day and has given up on her evening nap but the 9pm bedtime gives mommy and daddy time to watch things like American Idol!