Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Lucy's Thanksgiving style

On Thanksgiving Day, she got dressed up and we went to her Great Granny Beiting's house...GranJan and I found this sweet little dress at Babies R Us on clearance back when I was on maternity leave! Grandma Kathy had given her the tights and they went perfectly with the dress and the sweet little shoes Uncle Jason and I found at H&M...she got the shoes off even faster than she got the hat off and proceeded to taste-test each one of them! She wasn't a huge fan of the hat, as you can see...

She's tried a variety of baby food, both store-bought and home-pureed, but on Thanksgiving she tried baby food meat for the first time...turkey in gravy, of course! I've heard babies typically don't like pureed meat, but Lucy girl seemed to enjoy it! She had fun at the big table with everyone looking around, eating puffs and turkey (and a taste of mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce) and banging on her tray!

On the Saturday after Thanksgiving, we went to Grandma Terry's...Lucy wore the shirt mommy's boss Denese bought her...she had fun playing on the floor with her godmother and meeting Aunt Amy's doggy, Lola! She had some more pureed turkey along with mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce.

Look at the turkey butt!

On the Sunday after Thanksgiving, she went to GranJan and Grandpa's house to hang out with the Stallkamps...she was a hit! She played on the floor with fun toys and let lots of people hold her and walk around with her. When Auntie Em arrived, she teased her a bit - pouted and wouldn't go to her...but finally did and fell asleep in her comfy arms!

She wore a dress and turtleneck we found at Gymboree...on clearance!...several months ago...and those tights from Grandma Kathy came in handy again!

Let's hope Lucy continues loving giraffes because there's plenty more giraffe attire waiting for her!

I think Lucy enjoyed being with mom and dad extra over the long weekend and I know we certainly did! It was hard to leave her Monday morning!

It seems as though Lucy is getting more teeth...she's been showing off those two bottom ones more often and she's been drooling even more than usual and has been extremely fussy and restless at night...stay tuned for more chompers news!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

First Haircut!

Before and after shots...

Her hair was getting a little wacky - especially around the ears...and her daddy was dying to cut it...so Lucy and I finally agreed to let him do it last night! He felt pretty challenged at first...coming at her with scissors did nothing to slow her down and she was turning her head, moving around (despite being strapped into the high chair!), and looking up and down...but he finally got a few good snips in!

Tiffany had been asking for a picture of the teeth...but that's easier said than done! I finally managed to get a [not-so-good] pic of them last night, though. The flash on my camera is a bit much for Lucy girl so my mid-blink shot actually looks more like a drunken party pic...but at least you can see those chompers!

(HINT: Click on the photo to see it enlarged...hit ESC when you're finished viewing to return to blog post)

I read somewhere that instead of trying to "brush" a baby's teeth, you could give them a washcloth to suck on at bath time...so there you have it! Lucy practicing her dental hygiene! She loves sitting up in the tub now! It does make it a bit more challenging for me to wash her but she loves it and we figure it out!

Look at that chubby baby!!

Friday, November 18, 2011

I Got the Pee on Me

We had a fun evening last night...Lucy and I went to Daddy's school for his cross country awards banquet. We sat in the back, but Lucy still managed to make her presence known - by banging on the table and loudly babbling through Daddy's speech. The only time she cried was when her mean mommy took the napkin she was happily shredding away from her. But Lucy *loves* clapping and there was plenty of it last night so she was a happy camper!

When we got home, she ate carrots (actually, she gagged herself and made faces at me until I stopped serving them and instead offered her yogurt melts and water from her straw sippy cup...) and then it was bath time.

As usual, I undressed her as the tub was filling up. When it was about done, I took off her diaper then handed her a damp washcloth. Suddenly, I felt a warm drip...I knew I'd wrung out that washcloth pretty well so I was confused - but not for long!

She had PEED on me but just kept standing there like nothing had happened! I called to Dave for help but was laughing pretty hard myself...he took one look and knew what had happened and also couldn't stop laughing...and then he disappeared and reappeared with the camera. Nice. Guess it could have been worse!

Lucy sat in the cart like a big girl last weekend at Target! She loved looking down through the leg hole to see her dangling foot!

Last night I gave her the straw sippy cup...it only took her a few minutes of playing with it and chewing on it to figure out what to do...I have such a little smartypants on my hands! She's been using a regular sippy cup with help from me or Dave - she likes to play with it and bang on her tray with it but does not hold it and tilt it back to drink from it herself...I think once she masters the straw, this one will be easier since she does not have to pick it up. I loved watching her figure it out - I can literally see how proud of herself she is!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy weekend!

Lucy's looking forward to the weekend - so she can sleep in and not have her annoying mommy and daddy wake her up before the sun comes out! What she doesn't know is that she's having the second half of her flu shot tomorrow morning...hopefully it goes smoothly since it's only one shot and not a whole round of them like at her 2, 4 and 6 month appointments...
Lucy still uses her infant bathtub...it makes it much easier for me to wash her body and hair with her laying down...but she just keeps getting taller, darn it! It may be time to break out the inflatable ducky tub from Aunt Amy. Last night she kicked and splashed so much that I almost had to refill her tub - not to mention that I almost had to change my clothes after her intentional (I'm sure of it!) mommy-drenching! She likes reading her Elmo tub time book from Grandma Terry and likes drowning the duckies from GranJan but I know she'll have so much more fun once she can sit up...looks like we'll have to get even more bath toys and one of those mesh bags to hang them all in!
Speaking of things we need to buy - put more bubbies on the list! Where do they go?? We had 4 of her favorite kind and are down to only ONE!!! - (though I just called the M-T babysitter and tracked down one more)...where do they go?? Somehow we've managed to outsmart the sock-eating feature of the washer/dryer and have not managed to lose a single baby sock...but dang, those bubbies are Houdinis!
Last night we played in her room for awhile after she grew bored of pretty much everything downstairs...she loves to stand and she leaned against her recliner and babbled while I picked out her clothes to pack for the babysitter's, then she sat in the chair while I read her books (I read one, then she ate it...)
Have a great weekend, everyone!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Smiles in the morning, out to eat...and CHOMPERS!

Lucy has always been a bit difficult to coax awake in the mornings (and has been getting more so - to the point where we're thinking about changing the morning routine) but this week she has seemed more out of it than usual in the mornings and hasn't been her jolly self...I know it's because she hasn't been feeling well.
This morning was the same in that she didn't want to wake up...but she passed out smiles once she came downstairs! Hooray! Looks like my girl's finally feeling better!

I have been anxious to try the shopping cart / high chair cover our friend Tammy bought us...since I just want Lucy to stay a baby forever, I have been putting off trying it at stores, instead opting to leave her in her car seat and sticking that in the cart. The other night, when we went to buy more baby Advil (and peruse the Halloween clearance!), I thought we'd try it...I got it out of her closet and packed it in the car with the diaper bag...and then she fell asleep on the way to the store! Boo! I saw no need to wake her up just to try it out so I let her sleep in the car seat in the cart...
But last night our little family went out to eat - Mommy and daddy needed their tires rotated at Tire Discounters so we dropped off the cars and went next door to Frisch's where Lucy and her cart/seat cover sat at the table (first time in a restaurant high chair!) like a big girl! I even ordered her some mashed potatoes to try! She enjoyed herself.

When we were at the doctor's on Monday, I asked Dr. Spicker if she saw any sign of teeth when she was looking in Lucy's mouth...I've been looking and feeling every day and haven't seen anything...and she agreed - she said there was no sign of teething.
Yesterday I got a text from Lucy's babysitter saying she saw Lucy's bottom teeth - "So cute!"
I admit, I thought she was crazy - like I said, I've been checking most days and the doctor had just told us - two days ago! - that there was no sign...but I could not wait to get out of work and get there to check for myself!
Tammy was right - my girl definitely has some chompers! I still have not seen them but have definitely felt them - her two front bottom teeth are sharp little suckers! My little baby is growing up!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A very happy Halloween

Despite the fever that just won't stay away, Lucy had a very happy Halloween...her cousin Alli came over and they got to trick-or-treat together!

The doctor and Aunt Jessi ok'd it as long as the girls kept their distance and didn't swap spit...ha!

Lucy unveiled her third and final costume - what I called a "glow worm" looked more like a caterpillar. But not matter what you called it, it was super cute - and most importantly, warm!Add in a roaring blue dinosaur and we had the cutest treat seeking duo in town!

As always, Lucy just enjoyed being outside and she managed to score a few treats to share with mom and dad...even though she didn't exactly "trick or treat," some neighbors couldn't help but shower the cutie with candy!

She was in a good mood and took a little snooze while we walked with Alli to get more treats and made our way to Grandma and Grandpa Meyers' house...more treats! The girls each got a goodie bag with a spooky spider bracelet and some fun pumpkin straws and Lucy got some puffs and a book which she can't wait to read.

She tried out Alli's booster seat while the we ate dinner but she was far too curious for such a stationary and reclining position so she got up and played with Grandpa.

Soon it was time to head back home, though...her good mood continued through dinner (carrots) and off to bed time...but she had an extremely restless night so it seems that the pesky fever made a return...Daddy was off school today and cancelled practice to hang out with his girl - let's hope they can chase that fever off for good!!

The doctor said it could last up to a week but she wants to see us again if it isn't gone by Friday or Saturday...