This morning was the same in that she didn't want to wake up...but she passed out smiles once she came downstairs! Hooray! Looks like my girl's finally feeling better!
I have been anxious to try the shopping cart / high chair cover our friend Tammy bought us...since I just want Lucy to stay a baby forever, I have been putting off trying it at stores, instead opting to leave her in her car seat and sticking that in the cart. The other night, when we went to buy more baby Advil (and peruse the Halloween clearance!), I thought we'd try it...I got it out of her closet and packed it in the car with the diaper bag...and then she fell asleep on the way to the store! Boo! I saw no need to wake her up just to try it out so I let her sleep in the car seat in the cart...
But last night our little family went out to eat - Mommy and daddy needed their tires rotated at Tire Discounters so we dropped off the cars and went next door to Frisch's where Lucy and her cart/seat cover sat at the table (first time in a restaurant high chair!) like a big girl! I even ordered her some mashed potatoes to try! She enjoyed herself.
When we were at the doctor's on Monday, I asked Dr. Spicker if she saw any sign of teeth when she was looking in Lucy's mouth...I've been looking and feeling every day and haven't seen anything...and she agreed - she said there was no sign of teething.
Yesterday I got a text from Lucy's babysitter saying she saw Lucy's bottom teeth - "So cute!"
I admit, I thought she was crazy - like I said, I've been checking most days and the doctor had just told us - two days ago! - that there was no sign...but I could not wait to get out of work and get there to check for myself!
Tammy was right - my girl definitely has some chompers! I still have not seen them but have definitely felt them - her two front bottom teeth are sharp little suckers! My little baby is growing up!
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