Friday, April 6, 2012

12 month stats

Lucy's 12 month appointment was today.  Some time before we left, though, she grabbed her giraffe backpack, waved goodbye to me, and headed for the door!
She did well at her appointment today, despite having her finger pricked for a lead test (didn't phase her one bit...the only thing that garnered much of a reaction was the bright orange band-aid on her finger...which she quickly removed.  The only trouble there was, the finger was still bleeding quite a bit so we had to track down another band-aid.  This one stayed on much longer but hours later, when she finally got it off, she tried to eat it...) and getting three shots in her arms.  Yes, three!  Two in one arm and one in the other.  She didn't cry after the first one, instead waiting until the nurse started the second one.  She mainly had her feelings hurt, I think, wondering why someone would do that to her and why we would let her...
Dr. D. says she looks great!

She now weighs 21.75 pounds, putting her in the 58th percentile.
She is 29 inches tall, which puts her at 41%.
She's got quite the large head on her!  It's in the 84th percentile at 18.3.

She now has 7 teeth (4 up top and 3 down below) and has mastered climbing the stairs!  She can go up them and has recently displayed that she knows how to come back down, too.
She loves being outside so we try to let her play out there as much as the wagon, in her new car, at the park, on her new swingset...sometimes when it's time to go somewhere and we carry her outside, she gets quite upset when she realizes she's being put in the car rather than let down to play outside...
We still need to get a baby swing for her swingset (though she's been on the big kid swing and has done pretty good) but she swings at the park and she knows to kick her legs to keep herself going!!  It's more of a wild leg flailing than a pump, but it's smart and it's cute and it's funny as heck!
She still signs "milk," "ball," "more," "eat," "all done," and "water" but has added a new one - "bath!"  We're working on "bird" now as she is absolutely fascinated by the birds she sees on our outside adventures.
As is normal with a beginer walker, Lucy's speech has slowed down.  She used to distincltly say the words "duck" and "dog" along with "mom" (and mama) and "dad" (and dada) but now her main word is "da."  She says it constantly.  Often it seems to mean "dog" as she chants "da!  da!" when we hear a neighborhood dog bark.  Dave thinks it also means "outside" because she'll go to the door and "da, da, da" while longingly looking out.
She has picked up a new word, though!  She says "baby" now as plain as day!
She's taking up waving and does so quite often...she waves constantly at Kroger to people who aren't looking but hasn't quite mastered waving on command yet ("wave bye bye, Lucy" will grant you a blank stare nine times out of ten).

We've begun the switch from breast milk to cow's milk and it seems it will be a slow go...I thought it was worth a try to go "cold turkey" to see what would happen.  So, what did happen?  I gave Lucy a sippy cup of Vitamin D milk last weekend.  She took one drink...let it roll out of her mouth and down to her chest...and she handed the cup back to me coupled with a dirty look...
Next I tried a half and half mixture, which was met with a similar reaction.  She finally agreed to 3oz of breast milk and 2oz of Vitamin D by the end of the week so we'll slowly get her there.  Lucy loves drinking water from her sippy cups and it doesn't really matter what cup it's from (she even likes drinking from mom's bottled water) - cups with a leak/spill preventer, cups without, cups with a we figured switching her from bottle to cup at milk time would be a non-issue.
WRONG.  It's an issue.  But we'll keep working on that one, too.

She recovered nicely from her shots and asked if we could go to the zoo, which we thought was a wonderful idea!
Her zoo hat from last year still fits!

Checking out some animals with dad!

Feeding some goats!
"I love the zoo!  I love being outside!  And I love my daddy!"


Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...time to go home!

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