Monday, June 4, 2012

14 Months Old - A Stats Post

This is her most favorite spot to drink her evening milk...her routine is still:
6 ounce bottle of milk at 8pm (may switch to a cup for this dose of milk soon, too, and say goodbye to bottles once and for all)
Tub time once the milk is gone
Blow dry her hair while watching her Lucy video from her first birthday party
Hit the sack - and this has become quite the fight...she still takes two naps a day (the first about 2.5 hours after waking up for about 30 minutes and the second around 3:30pm for an hour+) but we're thinking about cutting her down to one nap a day in hopes that she's tired enough to go to bed without an epic fight each evening...
(She loves drinking her milk in this chair but also enjoys sitting in her car to guzzle...she also spends a fair amount of time walking around the house as she chugs...gone are the days where we can hold her like a baby, even for half of the bottle - she wants no part in cuddling up with mom or dad during milk time).

At 14 months old, her stats hadn't really changed from 12 months.  Of course, the 12 month stats were taken at the doctor's office and these 14 month stats were taken at home (and 15 months stats will be available after her June 27 appointment) but here they are:
Weight - 21lbs., 13oz.
Height - 28 3/4 inches

What is Lucy up to?  What can she do now?  What makes us laugh?  Read on!

We had a new "first" recently - Lucy peed the bed!  (Not a good first...)
At some point during the night, Lucy woke up crying and Dave went up to soothe her back to sleep but soon after he got up there, he was calling for me on the monitor - when I got upstairs,  he tells me she felt wet when he reached in and he soon realized she'd peed through her diaper, her pajamas and onto her sheets.  He changed the girl while I changed the bed...what an exciting middle-of-the-night activity!  We are optimistically hoping this never happens again!

A funny thing she's started doing - she'll round a corner and say, "Boo!" to scare us!  It cracks us up every time!

She knows what tickling is and has started to really become ticklish but the funniest thing is, she tickles us!  She moves her fingers back and forth on our feet (or on her baby, or on a picture of a baby, etc.) and smiles because she knows she's tickling us!

When she pushes her toys around, she makes a "vroom" sound!  Smartie!!

She can climb in and out of her car with no problem (and does so frequently), she can climb the ladder on her swing set by herself (though sometimes still requires guidance on where to put her feet), and we've had the umbrella stroller set up in the house lately - she can climb into it all by herself!  And let me tell you, she cannot mask the look of pride on her face when she does so!  She thinks she is such hot stuff, and we pretty much agree!

Of all the words that she knows the sign for, she is now starting to say those words (in addition to signing them).  The best example is still "baby," and she still says (plain as day) and signs that word repeatedly.  But she has also started saying:
"muh" when she signs "more"
"eee" when she signs "eat"
"mih" when she signs "milk"
and some others!
She has said "bib," she says "shoes," she now knows the sign for "play," she says a version of "bubby" (which is our term for pacifier) and she's literally learning things faster than I can see/realize/write down/remember.

As frustrating as she can be at times (like at night, when we're trying to get her to go to sleep!), she is soooo much fun and we love watching her learn and make us laugh!

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