I decided to make Jack from "Nightmare Before Christmas" and was feeling pretty confident that I would "win" for the second year in a row...
But then I saw Dave's pumpkin!
I couldn't believe it but was the first to admit...he kicked my butt!
I told him how amazing it was and he humbly acted as if it were no big deal...but he did this with no stencil! What an artist!

Lucy was confused about what she was doing outside when it was cold and dark...but we could not resist sticking her in her giraffe Halloween costume and getting some snapshots of her with our handiwork.
Lucy has mastered sitting and it is what she prefers...she's still not much for tummy time and will lay on her back or roll around a bit but enjoys sitting up.
She's not quite ready for crawling yet, or even pulling herself to a standing position, but she's getting pretty good at standing (while holding onto something)...here she is standing against the couch modeling her Halloween gift from her GranJan...a giraffe backpack! As Jan put it, "Now she can go on a trip!"

Lucy suited up and stopped by Auntie Em and Uncle Jeff's party with us before leaving us to party with her Grandma Terry.
Lucy's had a lot of play dates lately and has another one scheduled this weekend with her friend Reese (mommy's friend Jill's daughter) but recently she hung out with cousin Alex (at great-Granny's house) and with friends Lauren and Elijah (mommy's friend Tiffany's kids)...she and EJ really bonded and she can't wait to see him again at Claire's (mommy's friend Christa's daughter) house on November 6th!
Lucy has already been a ladybug (at Hallzooween with the twins) and a pink giraffe (with mom and dad at a party and on the porch last night) but she has one more costume up her sleeve...and she can't wait to show cousin Alli on Monday when they trick or treat together!
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