Instead, though, she woke up multiple times throughout the night, and many of those times she needed to be held and rocked back to sleep. This should have been our first clue that something wasn't right because she's been sleeping much better lately...She woke up for good at around 8am, which is a fairly typical weekend wake-up time.
She did some playing and ate her oatmeal and milk but was pretty fussy throughout...we figured she was just tired due to her restless night (who wasn't)?! and she took a good morning nap. She was doing well for awhile after awakening from her nap but got grouchy again quickly...I was about to run some errands and decided to take her with me...she was fine at Target and Kohls and slept much of the time. When we got home, though, daddy took her temperature.
102! My baby's first fever (NOT a milestone I was anxiously awaiting)!
I gave her a dose of infant's Advil and called the doctor who told us fevers are caused by infections - usually viral - and need to run their course. She told me what to watch for and to call back if the fever isn't gone by Monday, though she suspected it would be.
Lucy's a trooper and is doing well...despite being a bit fussy, she hasn't been too affected by it (and as my mom put it, "102 is a high fever to a mom, but really - it isn't that bad")...but we're both super bummed that we had to cancel our play date with Miss Reese!
At her six month appointment, Dr. D. said she could start trying snacks like Puffs at 7 months old...we tried them last night for the first time. I broke them up into pieces and sat them on her high chair tray. Dave said, "The next time she's bored, we should just put her in here and let her push this food around!" She kept herself entertained for quite awhile! I stuck a few in her mouth and she seemed to enjoy them...she did push them around a bit and managed to pick a piece up every now and again but never brought one to her mouth - this really surprised me because my girl always puts everything in her mouth!!
This afternoon, though, I broke up some Puffs and some yogurt melts and put them on her tray. Again, she pushed them all around her tray, but today, instead of me putting them in her mouth for her, I put a piece in her hand...and she put it in her mouth!! It made me realize, once again...I have the smartest baby in the world!
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