She had to have her finger pricked today to have her iron checked ("right on the bubble" - we were told to give her more iron-rich foods...) and she had to have just one shot (which was more than enough for Miss Lucy girl!) - the Hepatitis B Vaccine. The only side effect is a low grade fever so I'm sure she'll be just fine for all of her Christmas celebrations!

Lucy has already received a couple of Christmas gifts! Here she is about to open one from Daddy's friend, Pauly...he got her two new outfits!! She especially loved taste-testing the wrapping paper!
She also got a gift from her W-F babysitter, Tammy...but mommy stole all the fun and opened it while she was asleep! She loves it, though...a xylophone fish! She's a big fan of chomping on the starfish wand that you're supposed to make the music with...
Just standing around!
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