(Pardon the quality of these images...iPhone pics...my memory card is full because I am paranoid that my computer will crash again and am afraid to delete anything from the memory card, even after saving to the computer...I need to come up with a new method, fast!)All Lucy wants to do anymore is stand and walk...if you try to set her down on her bottom to play, she stiffens her legs and just won't allow it! If you do manage to bend her and set her, she gets pissed! She pulled herself to standing - all by herself! - for the first time on December 1...we were putting clothes away in her room and I had the bottom drawer pulled out - she put her tiny little hands on the drawer and pulled herself right up! For awhile she could only do it there, but she's figured out how to pull herself up pretty much everywhere and anywhere she wants to!
We were at ABC's house on Friday night making cookies with the kids and I sat Lucy down next to a basket of books in the living room and walked to the kitchen to put more cookies in the oven and before I knew it, Cleo was yelling, "Danielle! She's standing!" and I turned around to see her standing at the basket of books...that girlie doesn't want to sit still!

She loves playing in her room...we spend quite a bit of time in there...she likes pulling herself up on this storage bin (we keep it handy to pack away clothes as they get too small) and banging blocks on it and she loves doing her "trick" in her mini recliner (I set her in it and she slides herself out, landing in the standing position, then she turns around and "walks" over to her bed).We had a fun day with GranJan yesterday...we had a few returns to make and GranJan had a few things to shop for and we made a whole day of it. Lucy was on...looking super cute in her red winter hat and passing out smiles galore...she was able to sweet talk her GranJan into buying her a Santa bear and some new clothes...yay Lucy!
Here we are at Toys R Us...luckily all we ended up doing there was returning something because the lines were CRAZY...not that Lucy seemed to mind!Tomorrow is my last day of work until January 3 and I can tell - Lucy's getting pumped! Unfortunately for her, though, she's got her 9 month appointment, featuring 9 month shots, on Wednesday...
Lucy loves the Christmas tree and she loves playing with paper...so I just know Christmas will be all kinds of fun for her! What's even better is how many celebrations she'll have-
Grandma & Grandpa Meyers on Friday!
Great Granny & Grandpa Beiting on Saturday!
Grandma Terry & Troy on Sunday (plus Santa will come at home)!
GranJan and Grandpa on the 29th!
Merry Christmas, everyone!
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