Thursday, July 12, 2012

She's crazy!

Lucy has become quite the tricky Kroger partner...she likes to stand in the front of the cart...and scream bloody murder when I sit her back down (which results in concerned looks from strangers, as if I am beating on my kid - because she's screaming as if I am) sometimes she sits in the back with the groceries (until we run out of room).  I know she just wants to run free but that would be very dangerous - and I'd probably get a lot more looks from strangers...

Last night we just needed a couple of things so I thought I'd let her try the cart with the little car attached to the front...She thought she was pretty cool and didn't even try to grab things off of the shelves like I was afraid she would...she climbed around like a little monkey, though...and at one point while I was stopped for too long, debating which shampoo to buy, she made her escape...she didn't like it while I tried to sit her back down so she got into the front of the cart...until she climbed out of then she was in the basket with our few groceries - but she didn't want to sit.  Let me tell you, those carts are hard enough to maneuver anyway but when I am standing on the side of it to keep my hand on her arm so she doesn't fall (because she will not sit!), it gets even trickier!  Luckily, she makes me laugh...

We went to the library before dinner last night...we decided to walk and though the library is certainly within walking distance, it was a little further than we were thinking.  But Lucy enjoyed returning the book and DVDs we checked out last time.
And then putting the new books in her "front trunk" for safekeeping on the walk home:

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