Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Lucy has been a busy little bee lately...

She and I recently went to Walmart to fetch some prints from Katie's wedding we'd ordered to make her an album.  While I was checking out, my little daredevil showed me how she can stand in the front seat of the cart.  And when I asked her to sit back down?  Well, little Lucy thought that was the funniest thing she'd ever heard.  I finally had to put her in "jail" for the ride out to the car.  Luckily she found this just interesting enough to stay put...

I recently got sucked into a blog by a single dad.  He's raising his daughter Madeline alone because her mama, his wife, died of a blood clot the day after Madeline was born...I don't know why I let myself read stuff like that, but I do...and it makes me think (too much).  Now that Lucy the Daredevil likes to try to climb out of the grocery cart, she may not be my partner on as many shopping adventures (or at least not as lengthy of trips).  This is no big deal because I can just go alone and leave her at home with her other partner (my forever partner), daddy.  But this guy can't do that...he has to just figure it out (as do many other single parents).  I was talking to Dave about this blog and he said he wouldn't be able to do it and I reassured him that, yes, he would.  And not just because he'd have to - also because he's an amazing daddy!  The two of them have been spending a lot of time together lately (I've gone out with friends a couple of times and out yard sale-ing a couple of times) and have been having a lot of fun...

She was showing daddy her new daredevil thing - standing on the seat of her car - when she took a little tumble.  I wasn't there but Dave assures me he verified she was not hurt before dashing off to grab his camera.  He had to get a picture of her "landing" before helping her up!
She was stuck like that until after this picture was taken!

She loves playing outside so much...she still likes going on walks but not the lengthy ones we frequently took this time last year.  Now she can only be restrained for so long...she can't bear to see things she cannot explore.  So we recently took a little family walk and then we turned her loose.

Dave and I watched her and decided that neither of us would ever stick out hands in that drain pipe...but we also decided not to stop her.  It was cracking us up that she was sticking her entire arm in there...she did manage to get a little dirt out of there which seemed to please her.

Dave said, "You'd better not be taking a picture of me!"

Soon daddy and Lucy will be spending even more time together - daddy's last day of school is fast approaching!  I can't help but feel a little jealous of the bonus time he gets with our girl but it also makes me so happy that he gets to be with her and I know they'll have a lot of fun together...they are good buddies!

We took an exersaucer to Tracey's house at the beginning of the school year when Tracey first started watching her.  It was something for Lucy to do and something to contain Lucy for a bit.  Well, as you know, Lucy outgrew the patience for an exersaucer some time ago and we finally took it back from Tracey's house last week.  I stuck Lucy in it that evening just to be funny and see what she'd do.  Dave and I had a good laugh at how ginormous she looked in there and she actually played with the attached toys for a bit (after staring at me for a minute wondering what the heck I was thinking putting her in there).  She was ready to get out soon enough but I got a few funny photos first.
How cute are those bare feet?!

On Friday night, us girls went to Charlie's 3rd birthday party (while daddy was at a track meet) and Lucy had one of the best nights of her life!  She had so much fun when we first got there playing with Charlie's toys outside.  He has the same car as her only his is red and she needed to take that for a spin.  And she knew to check the trunk because she likes to keep funny things in hers (Buddy, tea cups from her set, shoes, etc.) and Charlie did not disappoint - he had a golf ball in his!  She threw it and cracked up as it bounced down the driveway.
She had a lot of fun with Charlie's lawnmower and after seeing how well she did with it and how much she seemed to like it, I decided Lucy needed one of her own...luckily GranJan and I found a cheap one at a yard sale the very next morning.

Mini swingset!

Swinging on the baby swing of the big swingset...she's looking over at Cleo in this picture

She also had a lot of fun inside playing with one point Lucia climbed in a little wagon and Lucy took it upon herself to take her for a spin!  The two of them played very well together...too cute!

Next it was the baby's turn for a ride!

Lucy even cleaned up after herself before we left!
GranJan and Grandpa rode to the party with us...I wish I'd been able to get some pics of Lucy and her backseat partner on the way but I was kinda busy driving...
I thought maybe my dad would want to drive - but instead, he got in the backseat with Lucy!  The two of them played with her Barbie and giggled the whole way out there!!  On the way home, Lucy was too tired to play (and it was too dark to play with the doll anyway) so she and her pal snoozed together.  Lucy had her 8pm bottle there and changed into her pjs before we left.  By the time we left, dropped off her grandparents, and got home, it was pretty late and she was in a deep sleep.  I was able to transfer her from the carseat to her bed without her waking...woohoo!

Cute picture of a cute girl!
Mommy and daddy had their final bowling night of the season on Saturday and Grandma Terry came to be Lucy's partner...they had more partying to do!  They were invited to Troy's cousin's college graduation party and I'm told Lucy and her blue eyes were the hit of the party!

As I mentioned, I did some yard sale-ing on Saturday and while I spent a few bucks on a lawnmower for Lala (among other things), GranJan spent a few more dollars than me...look what she bought Lucy for her house!

Grandpa and Uncle Jeff will have fun fetching and re-assembling this, I am sure!

Sunday was my second Mother's Day with my sweet second one as a mama.
Oh, how I love her!
We went to brunch at Barleycorn's with Grandma Terry and Troy and Great Grandma Herman:

After brunch, I got a Mother's Day nap!!  Daddy and Lucy played until it was time for them to take a nap also...and then we all went to Grandpa and GranJan's to play with pals and eat dinner.

We were overdue for a trip to Grandma and Grandpa Meyers' house - we had lots of "mail" to distribute...Grandpa's birthday card, Grandma's Mother's Day card, and Aunt Nikki's 21st birthday we loaded up the wagon and headed over there on Monday, which was Aunt Nikki's actual birthday:
Lucy had fun visiting and playing with cousin Alli:
Two little monkeys jumping on a bed!

Pardon the blur...but they are mid-jump, after all

Tomorrow is the state track meet so please join us in wishing daddy and his team good luck!!!!
Don't forget your stopwatch, dad!

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