Here's all I got - take 'em or leave 'em...
This is what she spent the entire time doing...running away. She learned that she could sway from side to side and make her dress "swoosh" so she spent some time on that, too! Basically, she just enjoyed the large space and racing around it. She was also mesmerized by the balloon arches and kept signing "ball" and trying to grab them out of there...
We got in line with the other prom-goers and had our photo professionally taken so stay tuned for that - should be interesting!
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Put me down, dad!! |
On Saturday we spent some time at daddy's track meet at Dixie and it was more of the same - lots of Lucy running around! She is still a momma's girl and can still be a bit clingy at times but she's getting a lot more adventurous...the trouble is, she will never stop being a busy-body...friends and family want to hold her but she just wants to GO! She has no time for sitting still and being sweet!
While she was running around at the meet, she ventured into another team's tent! Daddy finally had to go in after her!
On Saturday night at Brady's birthday party, it was again more of the same - lots of wandering and exploring, not much socializing. She's a nosy butt.
We didn't have anything planned for Sunday, though, and it was a fun day at home.
GranJan picked this chair up for her at a yard sale and gave it to us the other day...we like to rocky-rocky-rocky the baby!!
Yesterday was pretty HOT and very sunny but the tree shaded our swing set so we had some great, shady fun in the backyard yesterday afternoon!
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She can almost climb up on her own!!
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She makes me happy |
I let her choose a lollipop when it was time to go...she chose grape...she held it all of the way home and I finally opened it for her and let her go to town.
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Lucy likey |
She sat on the steps, stood up, sat back down, walked around a little...and just kept on a'suckin' til that thing was gone! She was a total drool monster and had purple puddles trickling down her chin to the front of her shirt...and she was loving every last drop.
When it was gone she led me across the street to the park and singed "bird" to me for each one we saw and told me "dog" for each bark we heard.
Lucy loves playing in mulch...she amazed some track parents on Saturday with her "mulching." She picks up a piece, inspects it, then hands it to me. She picks up another piece, inspects it, then hands it to me. When we're at the park, she picks up a piece, inspects it, then sets it on the slide. Between each piece she picks up, she likes to brush her hands off on her shirt...only this time, her shirt was totally sticky so it didn't exactly brush off and she soon had a black shirt. And when we got home, I knew it was time to trim her nails because she had mulch dirt under all of them...but she had a really fun evening!
Lucy used to enjoy brushing her teeth - and even now she likes the idea of brushing them and gets excited when you mention it and has even made up a "sign" of sorts for it (she darts her tongue in and out of her mouth when you ask her how she brushes her teeth). But actually brushing them (or, rather, having them brushed)? NOT a big fan. OK, she hates it. And she gets pissed. And she cries. And sometimes this actually makes it a little bit easier - brushing them while she's screaming and her mouth is wide open. As soon as I am finished, I give her the brush to do it herself for a bit and the waterworks shut off quite quickly.
Luckily she still totally loves bath time and we recently bought her a bath time baby so she can have a little partner. Mommy cleans Lucy's belly, Lucy cleans baby's belly; mommy cleans Lucy's feet, Lucy cleans baby's feet. When we tell her it's time for a bath, she starts doing her "bath" sign and usually runs to get her washcloth and towel and brings them into the bathroom...she's so darn smart!
She's completely switched to Vitamin D milk now and the next obstacle we shall face is getting her totally off the bottle and onto a sippy cup.
We only use a bubby when we're sleeping and she's become very good about it...when she wakes up, sometimes she likes to snuggle a bit but when she's ready to go, I ask, "Are we all done sleeping? Is it time to put your bubby back in your bed?" and she takes it out of her mouth and I carry her to the bed and she dumps it in!
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